Why Hire Writers for Your Business at MediaGeneous.
When you think of hiring writers, think MediaGeneous. This is because you have a lot to gain by using our writing services. Some of those benefits include:
- You will get topnotch professional writers from us. We have writers that have been writing for years. Writers who have a track record of delivering excellent work.
- We will save you time. With us, you will not need to spend hours searching for good writers. We provide them to you at one place. All you need to do is just choose whoever you want.
- One of the best thing about hiring experienced writers, is the experience you get. Our writers will bring a lot of value to your written work.
- Our writers will bring creativity and new ideas for your work.
- Our writers will provide you with whatever content you want. They will write anything for you. From any genre to any genre.
- Our writers will provide you with error free work. No mistakes. Before submitting the work to you, they will go through it to make sure that its error-free.
- Our writers will bring a lot of new ideas to your work. Some that you never even imagined possible.
- Working with MediaGeneous really saves you a lot of money and time. One thing that you will realize is that our prices are very affordable as compared to others.
Ours is a Freelance Marketplace Where You Can Hire Writers on Our Partner Website MillionFormula.com
When we talk about hiring writers at MediaGeneous, we are talking about a marketplace. A freelance marketplace to be more specific. MediaGeneous in itself is not a freelance marketplace. Our sister company
MillionFormula is the freelance market place. When you click on the hire buttons on this page above, we will take you to MillionFormula. That is where you can hire the freelance writers. You can do this in two ways. One you can post a freelance writing job. This is a job that details what you want done. Our freelancers will send you proposals and then you will hire whoever you choose. The second way to do this is for you to order an offer from any of the freelancers. The freelancers post offers of jobs and things they can do. Just look for an offer of what you want and place the order. The freelancer will do it for you and submit it.
You Only Pay for the Work and You Only Pay After the Work is Done
One of the best things about us is that you only pay for the work. This means that you only pay for the work you get from the freelancers. You do not pay for other things like fees or membership charges. You do not pay to post a job. Posting a job at MillionFormula is free. Another very important thing about MillionFormula is that you only pay after the work is done. You do not pay the freelancer does the work. You pay the freelancer after you look at the work and ensure that it's up to standards and you are comfortable with it. This prevents you from being scammed or getting work that you are not okay with.
Who Are Your Writers and Editors?
Our writers and editors are our freelancers. Experienced freelancers who have been writing for years. All these freelance writers are at MillionFormula.
How Do You Guarantee the Originality of Your Content?
All our writers have quality standards that they all must adhere to. We have very strict policies that every writer must adhere to.
Do You Offer Revisions?
Yes, most of our writers give revisions. However, in most cases, if there will be and the number of revisions is an agreement between you and the freelancer.
Do You Cover All Academic Levels?
Yes, we cover all levels of academic. On MillionFormula you will find freelancers who write all kinds of content including high level academic content.
Can You Handle Specialized Subjects like Engineering or Medicine?
Absolutely. The best thing about a freelance marketplace is that you get writers of all kinds and all levels. We have engineering and medical writers for you.
Can You Write SEO-Friendly Articles?
Yes. We also have SEO writers. If you are trying to rank on search engines, then you have come to the right place. You can get seasoned writers who will get your website to the top of SERPs.
Do You Edit and Proofread Academic Papers?
Yes. Our freelancers do editing and also academic paper proofreading. Just search through our freelancers to find the right one.
Can I Get a Document Proofread on a Short Deadline?
Yes. There are 2 ways to do this. One, you can look for an offer by a freelancer. Check to make sure that this offer is written to be delivered in a short duration. The second way you can do this is by posting a freelance job and indicating that its urgent. When hiring freelancers also make sure that you choose the one who will do it with urgency.
How Secure Is My Data?
Your data is very secure. Our systems are built on very secure protocols. The chatroom for employer and freelancer is also safe. The freelancers know to respect the privacy and data of the employers.
What Payment Options Do You Accept?
We accept PayPal and Stripe.
Do You Provide Samples of Your Work?
This is based on specific freelancers. There are those that provide sample work and those that do not. You just need to check for the freelancer that fits you best.
What is Your Turn-Around Time for Projects?
This depends on the freelancers. Different freelancers have different turn-around times. We advice you to choose the freelancer that will deliver your work in the right time.
Can I Communicate Directly with the Writer or Editor?
Yes. That's what freelance is all about. Its you and the freelancer. You can communicate directly with the writer throughout the project.
Can I Get a Refund if I’m Not Satisfied?
Yes. If not satisfied you can always get your money back. But what is most interesting is that you do not have to pay for the work if you are not satisfied with the work. The freelancer does not receive the money until you authorize it.
How Can I Ensure Originality and Avoid Plagiarism?
Our freelancers know well not to provide copied or plagiarized content. However, it is smart for you to do your checks after the freelancer submits the work. You should always do the checking before completing the payment.