By buying our services means you agree with our terms and conditions of services that are indicated bellow .

Mediageneous has the authority to make changes or correct any errors/inaccurancies to these terms anytime without prior notice and the users of our services agree to follow the changes made to the terms.


All the content on mediageneous is owned by mediageneous and protected by copyright laws.

All the content on mediageneous is owned by mediageneous and duplication,copying,using without authorization or altering is prohibited.


All our services comes from real people,none computer generated.These services are mainly for credibility as some and not all the subscribers/followers are not guaranteed to be active on your account.However many of our services are generally active.In order to satisfy your orders in the required time we are sometimes obliged to use incentives in order to meet the time requirements.

Mediageneous is not affiliated with YouTube,Facebook,twitter,Instagram,vimeo,vine,spotify,dailymotion,google+,pinterest,LinkedIn nor soundcloud.

Mediageneous has the right to refuse to offer service to a specific client without offering a reason.

Mediageneous may refuse to offer service to a client whose content has threats,promotes violence or contains pornographic content.

Mediageneos doesnot use fake profile/accounts to produce results neither do we use bots/computer generated results,therefore incase of the closure/disable/suspension of the clients account /channel by the client's service provider,mediageneous will not be held liable nor responsible for such a case.also mediageneous will not be held liable/responsible for any disciplinary action taken by the clients service provider in any way whatsoever.


Any act intended to harm the website,access unauthorized information,trying to alter any information on the website or to access any service through unauthorized means ,any attempt to render the website inactive or inaccessible will be considered unlawful and anyone involved in any of the mentioned activities will be sued for any damages, vandalism and any inconveniences caused eg. the financial loss for the duration the website has not been in service as a result of the unlawful activity.HACKERS BE WARNED.


Mediageneous is devoted to maintaining your privacy and confidentiality of your content when you buy our services.when you buy our services you grant mediageneous the authority/permission to display and distribute in the whole or part of the submitted content.


If mediageneous determines that any client is misusing or services, not for the intended purpose, we have the right to terminate the service we are offering to him or her at that moment with no refund,not unless the mediageneous sees it fit to return the money depending on the circumstances.

Our terms of service for a certain product begins when mediageneous accepts your order and ends when terminated by either party.


Mediageneous will refund the customers money if the customers needs are not met. however the customer should not be the cause of the failure neither should the customers play any part in the failure/to cause the failure :contrary to this the customer will not be refunded.however mediageneous reserves the right to meet customer's satisfaction.


Mail to: marketing@mediageneous.com

Mail to: sales@mediageneous.com

Mail to: support2@mediageneous.com

Mail to: mediageneous@gmail.com