BUY FACEBOOK MENTIONS from facebook influencers

Buy Facebook Mentions

Now only at mediageneous you can buy Facebook mentions and posts from FB users with many followers. In other words you can get a mention from influencers. This means that you can get popular people on social media to post something about your business, services, products or anything you want to promote. Of course this is an original idea by mediageneous. Mediageneous was and is the first company to come up with this genius way of advertising by mentions from popular Facebook users by bringing influencers and advertisers in one common pool. If you have been struggling with growing your business/social media account or anything that you have been trying to grow, now is your chance to grow it. We have just the right tools to get you where you want to go. I believe you have ever heard “there is no better advertising than the word of mouth among peers”. This is what makes this way of marketing most effective. The person with the social media followers in this case Facebook friends and followers will make a post about your business/service/ product/social media account for his/her followers/friends to see. Also they can talk about your business/service/ product/social media account on their Facebook posts without having to necessarily make a full post about you.

This can be so beneficial to you because like i have said above word of mouth is the best advertising you can get. This allows you to reach the new audience/market of the influencer. The influencer can even describe your services/products in details to his/her audience. We give you the authority to choose exactly what kind of mention you want and what kind of influencer you want. You can choose the influencer by the number of followers or friends they have. For example you can choose that you want your mentions to come from only Facebook influencers with more than a million followers and above. You can also choose the countries that you want your mentions to come from. Like you can choose to get mentions form only USA influencers. You can also choose what language you want your mentions to be. Like you can choose to get only English speaking mentions or even Spanish; any language.

How mediageneous does it.

In order to get you the mentions from Facebook users with millions of followers and thousands of friends we need to have a way of making it happen, right? Yes mediageneous has so many FB influencers listed on our various platforms that we can feed your link to. That is we have so many people with large Facebook followers listed on our websites that want to mention your business/services for a pay. Its a form of advertising, in other words paid promotion. The enrollment of the FB influencers is open to anyone and everyone willing to join. That’s how we are able to get so many Facebook influencers to promote your business for you. Even you if you have many FB followers or friends and you want to be a part of the influencers and make money online you can join. Just send us an email through our contact page.


Approximate prices. Read below to know why?

  • FB Page Mentions

  • $1 - $2500

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 1 up to 500 page followers
  • FB Page Mentions

  • $5 - $2000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 500 - 1000 page followers
  • FB Page Mentions

  • $10 - $4000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 1000 - 2500 page followers
  • FB Page Mentions

  • $15 - $5000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 2500 - 5000 page followers
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $1 - $1500

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 1 - 250 friends
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $10 - $2000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 250 - 500 friends
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $20 - $5000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 500 - 1,000 friends
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $35 - $7500

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 1,000 - 1,500 friends

We can't give one specific price for all the FB services and posts we provide you. This is because such a service’ prices are so dynamic. Mentions from influencers with millions of followers costs more than those from influencers with only a few thousands of followers. A full post about your product/service costs more than a mention by the influencer. Some influencers charge more than others. Some countries costs more than other countries. With all this in mind then you understand that we can not just give a fixed price. What mediageneous does is bidding. You bid your mention/post for the influencers to pick from and the influencers also bid their mentions/posts for mediageneous to match them. This is what i mean, you come to mediageneous and post your mention/post needs and indicate your price. Then mediageneous on the other side lets the influencers list the prices they are willing to accept. We then match your demand and your price with the influencer demands and prices. And if you know how biding works, the highest price wins the bid. That is the influencers will always choose the mention demands with more pay. Therefore you should try to bid as much as you can to beat other businesses also buying the facebook mentions.

For example lets say you want 1,000,000 post views (a post talking about your business) by a Facebook user from USA who has more than 5,000,000 page followers, English language. You are willing to pay $2500 for it. Then we check our database for USA influencers with 5,000,000 followers and above who speak English. After we find a match then we will show them your post/mention demand to see if they are willing to take the price of $2500.If they agree then its a done deal. You get yourself what you want and the influencer gets what they want. Pretty genius right? Yeah i know. This is a new idea by mediageneous. This kind of advertising has never been done by any other company before us. We are/were the first.

Therefore below we are going to give you a few price guidelines of likely prices. These are not a guarantee that this is exactly what you are going to pay for. The prices are bound to change depending on the influencer, country, language, number of followers/friends, number of views, influencer willingness and much more. So keep in mind that these are just price guidelines to help you know approximately how much it would cost your to get your influencer mentions/posts. So below are a few plans to show you how much it would cost you to buy facebook mentions.

  • FB Page Mentions

  • $160 - $750000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 20000000 - 25000000 page followers
  • FB Page Mentions

  • $170 - $1000000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 25000000 - 30000000 page followers
  • FB Page Mentions

  • $200 - $2000000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 30000000 - 40000000 page followers
  • FB Page Mentions

  • $250 - 5000000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 40000000 - ∞ page followers (usually celebrities)
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $75 - $20,000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 3000 - 3500 friends
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $100 - $35,000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 3,500 - 4,000 friends
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $100 - $45,000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with up to 4,000 - 4,500 friends
  • FB Profile Mentions

  • $150 - $50000

  • varies with number of views, and other specifications
  • Influencer with 4500 - 5000 fiends

Why buy Facebook mentions?

Quick success.

No body likes waiting for months to grow their business or their social media account. Now mediageneous is giving you the chance to grow quickly.

Head start.

If you are starting a new business or a new social media account like Facebook page, then a mention from a popular person will greatly boost your start.

More sales.

The more your business/service/ product/social media account is mentioned on social media the more you will rank better on search engines.

Buy Facebook Mentions here at MediaGeneous

More publicity.

Getting mentioned by a great popular person would really mean a lot for your business or social media account.

Better Facebook ranking.

Social media accounts/businesses with more social media links and mentions will always be more favored by the algorithms.

Organic growth.

A mention from a popular person would make your business/social media account receive so many new audience/followers/customers.

How Do MediaGeneous Facebook Mentions Work?

It's very simple. You post your facebook mentions order and then the influencers at MediaGeneous make the mention for you. This is simply like a marketplace platform. We bring together the customers, which is you, and the sellers, which is the influencers. The customers buy the facebook mentions and then the sellers make the facebook mentions for you.

Is Mentioning the Same as Tagging on Facebook?

Mentioning and tagging on Facebook are similar but not the same. When someone mentions your page, they write your page's name in their post or comment. Tagging is more direct. It's like attaching your page's name to a photo or post. When tagged, your page is directly linked. Both mentioning and tagging notify you, but they do it in different ways.

Facebook Mentions as a Means of Marketing

The world keeps evolving constantly. The things that used to work back in the day do not work anymore. Advertising tactics that used to work do not work anymore. Moreover, there are new ways of marketing coming up that have more ROI. One of those new methods of marketing is facebook mentions. When a facebook influencer or a famous facebook user makes a post about you, so many people will see your brand. Imagine how much marketing and publicity you can get from such a post. Imagine a post from a facebook page with 5 million followers. So much marketing for a very small price as compared to traditional ads.

Why You Should Get Facebook Influencers to Make a Post for Your Business?

This might be relatively new to many businesses but it is a very good way of marketing and promoting your business. Here are some of the reasons why buy facebook mentions;

Why You Should Buy Facebook Mentions and Influencer Posts from MediaGeneous

When it comes to buying facebook mentions, there is only one website that comes to your mind. That is MediaGeneous. This is because of so many reasons. Lets go through a few below; What are you waiting for? Go ahead and buy your facebook mentions for your business and see what it can do for you.