Free YouTube Views

  • 50 YouTube Views

  • $2.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 100 YouTube Views

  • $5.49

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 250 YouTube Views

  • $12.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 500 YouTube Views

  • $24.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 1,000 YouTube Views

  • $49.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 5,000 YouTube Views

  • $239.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 500,000 YouTube Views

  • $23999.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 1,000,000 YouTube Views

  • $47999.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute
  • 5,000,000 YouTube Views

  • $239999.99

  • 100% real Views
  • Best prices. In time delivery
  • No click farms. No BOTs
  • Active users. 100% SAFE
  • Best quality guaranteed
  • Minimum duration = 1 minute
  • You CAN increase time beyond 1 minute

There is nothing as good as free things. We all love them don't we? Yes even i love free things. We will talk about free YouTube views. The biggest need of all YouTubers is views. Views on YouTube are like the currency. The views on YouTube are like oxygen to the lungs. Similarly, the views are like petro to the engine. Very important. You cannot have a successful career on YouTube without getting views. Hence why are talking about free views.

What are free YouTube views?

Free YouTube views are YouTube views that you get for your videos without having to pay for. Usually most if not all views on YouTube are free. When you post a video on YouTube and start getting those views, they are free. All these views come from YouTube algorithm recommendations. In addition, others come from YouTube search results. However, those are not the views we are talking about. We are talking about the views that you get from other third party sources such as MediaGeneous. If a third party like MediaGeneous gives you views, those are the free views that we are talking about.

Why free YouTube views?

So now that you know what are free views, why are they important? Why do YouTubers want free YouTube views? The free views are important because they help you grow your channel. The free views help you get your channel monetized. You know these days, YouTube does not allow people to start making money immediately. You must get monetized first before you can make money. In addition to that, the free YouTube views will help you make money with your videos and channel. Moreover, with free views, you get all the perks of views without having to spend money.

Are free YouTube views good?

The question of whether the free views are good or not, depends on where you get them from. If you get them from a good provider like MediaGeneous, then they are good. On the other hand, if you get the free views from bad providers then you can be sure that they are not good.

What are good YouTube views?

When we talk about good YouTube views, we are talking about real, genuine and organic views. These are views that come from YouTube itself. In the sense that YouTube algorithm promoted your video. Or the YouTube is showing your videos in the search results and recommendations. In addition to that, when we talk about good YouTube views we also mean the views that you get from genuine providers. Genuine providers like MediaGeneous. These genuine providers use clean and genuine methods to get the views.

What are bad YouTube views?

On the other hand, when we talk about bad YouTube views, we are talking about fake views. We are talking about views that come from BOTs and computer programs. In addition to that, some of these fake views come from browser extensions and even click farms. Click farms is where they pay people sited in some big halls to keep clicking on the videos. Always avoid such fake views. They will do you more harm than good. Whether you are buying the views or getting them for free, always avoid fake views.

What are the risks of free YouTube views?

Free YouTube per se are not bad. Free YouTube views are not risky. The risk comes in when you end up with fake views. So now we are going to talk about the risks of fake free YouTube views.

  • You stand the risk of violating YouTube terms of service.
  • Fake YouTube views might make YouTube demonetize your channel.
  • In some cases, if the views are really bad, YouTube might remove that video.
  • In extreme cases YouTube might suspend or even terminate your channel.
  • Buying fake views will lead to a loss of trust and credibility.
  • Fake views will not bring you any real audience engagement.
  • Fake views will lead to low watch time and low retention rates.
  • Buying fake views will interfere with your channel/video analytics and  insights.
  • If you deal with some shady service providers, you might end up with malware.

What are the advantages of free YouTube views?

Free YouTube views have a lot of advantages for you and your channel. Without wasting too much time, let us go straight into the advantages of free YouTube views.

  • Free views will increase your view count.
  • The free views will improve your social proof and credibility.
  • More views from free views, will attract more organic views.
  • These free views will boost your video with the YouTube's algorithms.
  • Free views will help your new videos to get moving.
  • More views will help your video rank higher in search results.
  • Sponsors and advertisers go for channels that have a lot of views. Hence the free views will help you with that.
  • More views will encourage more engagement from real users.
  • Free views will help you test content performance before investing in ads.
  • A video with more views creates a perception of popularity.

Why are YouTube views important?

YouTube views are very important. You cannot talk about YouTube career without talking about views. So why are the views critical?

  • You need views to get your channel monetized. The views leads to watch time hours which are required.
  • The views will help you make money. You can only make money with YouTube by getting views.
  • You need views to grow your channel and get more subscribers.
  • YouTube views are necessary for you to grow your YouTuber career.
  • To get information about your products and services, then you need views.
  • For those who sell on YouTube, you need to views to get access to customers. The people watching are the ones who buy.
  • In order for you to get advertisers, sponsors and other brand deals, you need views.

How many views do you need to get monetized on YouTube?

There is not a given number of views we can say is the number you need to get monetized. If you look at the YouTube terms, you realize that they talk about watch time hours. Thus they do not talk about view count but watch time hours count. They say that they need 4000 watch time hours. However, when you think about it, where do these 4000 hours come from? They come from views. Hence views are necessary for you to get monetized. However we cant give you a specific number.

The reason why we can't give you a specific number of views is because it is very dynamic. The length of the video matters. In addition to that, the length of the views matter. How long did the people watch the video? Did they watch a few seconds or a few minutes or the full video? All these factors determine how many views are needed to attain 4000 watch time hours.

How many views do you need to make money with YouTube?

The simple answer is a lot of views. However this is not an absolute value. The correct answer is even with one view you can make money with YouTube. However the one view will give you $0.000... You get the point? Its not about any specific number of views that you need to actually make money. No its all about accumulation.

The more the views, the more the money you make. If a single view can get you $0.000... more views will only increase that. The more views you get the more money you make. Millions of views will definitely bring you thousands of dollars in revenue. Tens of millions of views will bring you tens of thousands of dollars in revenue. This goes on and on for bigger numbers.

Hence chase getting more views so as you can make more money. The more views you get the more money you make. However, note that in order for you to make money with YouTube, you have to have your channel monetized. In addition to that, you need to have ads enabled for all videos.

Why do YouTubers buy YouTube views?

YouTubers buy YouTube views a lot these days. It has become so common these days. Buying views has become like one of the most done things by the YouTubers. The reason for that is because of the level of competition on YouTube. That's in addition to the hardships of YouTube. Yes there are hardships on YouTube. What we mean by this is the problem with the way YouTube is designed.

The YouTube algorithm is designed to favor big well established channels. This leaves the new upcoming channels struggling for any attention. A new channel can post a video today and come back one month later, and the video has only gotten 2 views. Just think about that. 2 views one month later. Hence why most new YouTubers are more likely to buy YouTube views.