Are you a website owner? Do you have a business or a company that has a website? Do you want to increase visitors and customers to your website/shop? Then you need your website to rank well on google for more people to see your website. As of march 2020, of all web searches performed in this world on all the search engines available, 92% of them are done on google. That’s almost as easy to say google is the most important search engine there is. Ranking on google for the right keywords for your website is like getting free Ads for life. Every businessperson and every website owner knows this and that’s why they are all fighting to get to that top spot on google. This makes it almost impossible to get to that top spot. I will tell you for sure that its not easy. It does not happen in one day or one month. Some websites even take years to get to that spot. It required a lot of work and dedication to get to the first page of google search results. That’s why mediageneous is giving you the chance to hire SEO experts to rank your website #1 on google.
Here at mediageneous you can get SEO (search engine optimization) services in two ways. You can buy keyword optimized articles for whatever keyword you want and then you post it on your website on your own. In this way you will be managing your SEO by yourself. You will be in full control of your website SEO and other marketing work. The SEO keyword optimized articles that we sell you can bey for as low as $35 per article. The price changes with the article demands.
The second way is letting mediageneous SEO experts manage your SEO fully. This means that all you need to do is pay and then we handle the rest. We do all On-page SEO as well as OFF-page SEO for you. We do all the other work of writing the articles, optimizing, publishing, back-linking, social media and all the work related to ranking your website on google. This means that you will have to entrust us with your website’ social media accounts so that we can manage them for you. As for posting the articles on your website we can use XML-RPC to send HTTP requests to your website server to post the articles. However XML-RPC is not enough for fully managing your on-page SEO because it allows us only to post. If you want to be doing the rest of the work, like internal linking, images, and any other editing of the post then XML-RPC is enough. But if you want us to handle all your on-page SEO in full then you will have to create a user account for us to be able to log in to your website and do the work. The account can just be an editors account. It doesn’t have to be an administrator account.
This service of fully managing your SEO requires a lot of work and thus many people will be working on your website at any instant. Therefore this goes without saying that it costs more than the $35/article service. We normally offer this service in duration of months. Like you can hire our SEO services for a month or 2 or 10 months, whatever amount of time is okay for you. However we must mention that SEO is not a one or two months job. To get good results out of any SEO work give it at least 3-4 months. That’s when you start seeing really good improvements. Bellow is a few of our SEO services packages.
SEO comprises of two sections. On-page SEO And OFF-page SEO.
On-page SEO mainly comprises of all the content that exists on your website. This is mainly your website pages. Usually, and what is most important for the search engines is the text. What is written on your website. This is the most important element of ranking a webpage by a search engine. When you search for any keyword on google, the main reason why you see the pages that you see is because of the text appearing on those pages. The text is what tells the google bots what the page is all about. The reason why google know that this page talks about SEO is because a lot of the text we have written on this page talks about SEO. The word SEO is repeated a number of times on this page. Therefore with that in mind, mediageneous writes a lot of content and publishes it on your website. This content that we write for you is KEYWORD OPTIMIZED which means that this content is aimed at making a certain keyword relevant to your page for the search engines.
Our team writes articles relevant to your website and optimizes them for certain keywords that you wan your website to rank for and posts them on your website. That’s not all because On-page SEO also involves the images present on your pages. The images even though the search engines cant see them like a humans eye can see, they need to be relevant to your website and the tittle of your page. This means that you cant just download any images on the internet and post them on your page. Mediageneous graphics designers also create amazing images that we post together with the articles on your website. We also monitor your google search console analytics and keep optimizing the pages and posts according to the analytics in order to rank your page better.
Off-page SEO mainly entails all the activities that concern your website but does not happen on your website. For example all the links from other domains that link to your website. Anywhere that your website is mentioned other than on your own website. Like a mention of your website on the social media. This part of SEO is also very important though many webmasters ignore it. They assume that on-page seo is the most important part of the ranking. If you take a deep look at the top ranking websites on google, you will realize that they have so many other websites linking to them. This is the kind of work that mediageneous will be doing for you for off-page SEO. We will be building back-links for you and doing social media work for you and any other work related to off-page SEO. However you need to know that we will not be doing any paid marketing for you. The plans that we have offered you above don’t involve any paid marketing like google adwords. If you want any paid marketing you will have to pay for it on your own or in cooperation with our team.