Should you buy YouTube likes?
The question of whether buying YouTube likes and other services like views and comments has been there for almost as long as YouTube has been. There are those who believe that you should not buy. On the other hand there are those who believe that you should do whatever it takes to succeed in what you do. They believe that if buying is what it takes to succeed then do it. We at mediageneous are of the same idea. Do whatever it takes to succeed as long as you do it the right way.

Does buying youtube likes work?
Many people make some very bad mistakes when buying and this leads to problems for them. Here at mediageneous we did a research on buying all the YouTube services to see what works and what doesn’t work. We wanted to prove for ourselves if it actually works or not. We wanted to know if YouTube can actually shut down your channel for buying YouTube services or not. mediageneous wanted to know if you can grow your channel by buying the YouTube services or not. Well, we got results and i will be glad to share that with you bellow.
1. Does it work?
The answer to this depends on you. It depends on what kind of likes you buy. If you buy real ones from real human then it works very well. If you buy fakes it definitely wont work. Actually from the results we got it will bring you more harm than good. We are saying this with proved results that YouTube will surely shut down your channel if you repeatedly buy fakes. During our experiment, YouTube shut down a number of our channels that we had bought likes for. Because they were not real. The seller that provided for us was just manufacturing the likes by using some computer programs.
2. Can YouTube shut down your channel for buying likes?
If you have read the number one above then you know the answer to this question is yes and no. Again this too depends on you. It depends on what kind of likes you buy. If you buy good real ones from real people then YouTube will not shut down your channel. On the other hand if you purchase fakes, YouTube will surely shut down your channel. However from the research we did, YouTube will not shut down your channel for buying fake views only once. They shut down your channel for buying repetitively and in large numbers. A single purchase of like lets say 500 fake likes wouldn’t make your channel be deleted right away. However repeating it will get your channel deleted.
Also read views. Where to get best views.
Hey did you know there are even quicker ways to get your channel shut down/deleted by YouTube even faster than buying fake likes? Yes, Viewing your own videos and click on the advertisements for yourself repeatedly will get your channel deleted faster than you can imagine. What can i say, We did a deep research about YouTube.
3. Can you grow your channel by purchasing likes, comments and views?
Well, i hate to be the one to tell you but relying on ONLY bought views, likes and comments will not grow your channel. There are a number of reasons for this but before i tell you the reasons, You also need to know it is possible to grow channel because of bought views, likes or comments. The reasons why it is very hard to make it with only bought likes, comments or views is that once your purchased amount is finished there might be no organic growth.
Also read comments from the best seller.
In order for your channel to grow you need to be making great content. I mean really good quality videos that everyone is interested in watching. With a great video after buying the initial views and likes for a boost, you are likely going to continue getting more views. The most important thing is great videos. Great videos combined with bought views, likes and comments will definitely grow your channel. Contrary to that, if you don’t make good videos and only depend on bought views, likes and comments, your channels is most likely not going to grow. Here at mediageneous we will tell you the truth. There is no point of lying to you then you waste all your money just because we want to make a sale. We want you to grow with us. So make great videos.
Related make money liking YouTube videos on millionformula.

How to buy likes the right way.
Before buying you need first to know if the seller has quality likes. You need to know if the seller has real likes that come from real people. Like we have said above you know the dangers of buying fakes. Here at mediageneous all our YouTube likes are real and they come from allover the world from real people.
Also read subscribers from real people.
Then the next very important thing you need to do is make sure that the YouTube likes that you buy comes with views. Please don’t make this mistake that many people make. Many people buy likes that come without views. This is one of the worst things that you can do to your video/channel. I’m sure you already know the reason for that. How did you get 5000 likes with 120 views? That’s the kind of questions everyone asks when they see likes that were bought without views. In simpler terms i mean its illogical. Any normal person can tell that those are not real likes. More so YouTube algorithm can tell those are not good likes.
I personally recommend buying likes that comes with views as part of it. I advice against those that come without views and then buying views separate to make it look like they all came together. If you do that, you can fool people but you cant fool YouTube. YouTube algorithm can tell that those likes and those views were bought separately and they are entirely different. This wont be good for your video either. Unfortunately there are very few sellers who sell likes that comes with views. How do we know? Because we did a research. Most of the sellers when you buy from them you receive the likes you bought with very less to no views. Avoid such sellers at all cost. Here is a solution for you. Here at mediageneous we have done a lot of research and studies as well as improvements in our se3rvices to make sure that mediageneous likes comes with views. That is the people who like your video actually viewed it. They liked it because it was interesting to them.
Another important factor you should consider when buying is to make sure that you also include comments, views and subscribers. The reason for this is to make it as realistic as possible. Think of it to be the same way as it happens on YouTube, for you to get likes, people have to see the video. some people will comment on the video. some others will even subscribe to your channel because they like it. Similarly you want to replicate this situation when purchasing likes. This will set you at a good pace with the YouTube algorithm.
How do you know real YouTube likes?
There are dozens of website right now online selling likes and other services. The big question is, Who among all these sellers is selling good real likes? The answer is very less. With the current modern technology it is very easy to manufacture likes with just a simple computer program. By creating a program that can imitate the actions of a person on YouTube, the program can produce thousands of likes in a matter of minutes. If there is anything else that YouTube hates is such fakes. You buy these kind of fake likes repeatedly and YouTube will shut down your channel.
Also related How to tell good views sellers from bad sellers.
This brings us to the big question. How will you know the real ones from the fake ones? Well this is not so easy to tell because all the sellers try to present themselves as good sellers. Some of the easy ways to know is by searching online and reading reviews about what others say about the seller. Another way is contacting them for more information like how they get the likes. Ask for their assurance of quality even though you don’t expect any seller to tell you “we sell fake likes”.
The most effective way is by checking the likes yourself. If you have another channel other than your major important channel, you can buy a very few likes to test. Here is what to look for when you buy the test-likes:
- Did the they come in a bulk or did they come normally? Bulk likes are not the best for reasons like getting 10,000 likes in 3 minutes then stopping doesn’t look good on you.
- Did the they come with views? Like we said above best likes are the ones that comes with views. This indicates that the people who liked them actually viewed them.
- What is the geographical location of the likes source. Those that come from one small geographical location or small clustered locations indicates that the likes are coming from click farms. Also not good for you. Good likes should be evenly distributed around a large area simply because all people don’t live in one small place. You can get this information from YouTube analytics of your channel.
- What kind of devices were used by the people who liked your video. This is information that you get from your YouTube analytics. Real people should be having the normal usual kind of devices like phones and laptops. The browsers that they used should also appear real like chrome, Firefox, etc. The reason why I’m emphasizing this is because the likes made by the programs/BOTs tend to leave clues behind. They have a pattern and if you look keenly you can tell if they are real or not.

How does YouTube know whether my likes are bought or not?
YouTube algorithm can know if your likes are bought or not. Google is one of the most technologically advanced companies in the world. So its no question that they can know how people use and utilize their platforms. Here are some of a few ways that YouTube know that your likes are real or not:
- Human behavior online is very hard to replicate with robots/BOTs. No matter how advanced the fake likes manufacturer is, his/her programs cant behave exactly like a real human on YouTube. The tiny details like how humans scroll, how humans click, how humans move the mouse on the screen, how humans tough the screen, is almost impossible to replicate with a robot. Therefore if you buy from sellers who sell computer generated likes, YouTube will know.
- The source of the likes. YouTube already knows the niche of your YouTube viewers. If you live in California and most of your viewers live in California, Then how did you suddenly get 50,000 from people in Moscow Russia?
- The way in which the people who liked your video discovered your video. Most of the views and likes for almost all videos comes from suggested videos right next to the video you are viewing. Views and likes don’t come from direct links. That’s a very rare situation for any video on YouTube, Unless they are bought. When you buy the likes you submit your link to the seller. The seller will use this link to get you the order you want. That means that almost all your likes will come from direct links. YouTube knows what that means.
- Behavior of your likes. When you got those likes, did the people or “BOTs” that gave you those view your video? The biggest mistake that most sellers make is selling empty likes that come without views. This is the easiest giveaway for YouTube algorithm to know that your likes are fake.
- Language of people who gave you likes and your video language. Its very funny if not interesting to see an English video getting tons of likes from Russian or Spanish speaking people. YouTube expects people who speak same language are most likely to view and like your video. I hope you are not about to ask me how YouTube know the viewer language.
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