Why Do YouTube Views Drop?
Why Do YouTube Views Drop?

Why Do YouTube Views Drop?

Have you ever seen your YouTube views reduce in number? You know you used to get a lot of views then later stop getting them abruptly? That’s what are are referring to as drop. Yes that happens. Your channel could be getting millions of views in say a month. Then the next month, you stop getting the millions. Just like that. Without having done something that could lead to it. This happens for a few reasons. There are few reasons why YouTube views reduce. Maybe when you publish a video, by the first hour it gets a given number of views, then by the first 24 hours you get a certain number of views. Maybe by the first week you get a certain number of views and the same for so much more like that. Then suddenly, the pattern is broken whereby you do not get the views like you used to before.

You do not get the expected view count in firs hour or first 24 hours or first week and so on. That is the view drop that we are talking about. Below are the reasons why YouTube views drop.

1. Algorithm Changes.

YouTube performs algorithm changes and improvements regularly. This for improvements and to make their platform better. However, these changes might affect content creators. For example, if in the previous algorithm version your content was favored, things could change. Thus the new algorithm might not be favoring your content as it was doing before.

To deal with this issue, learn the new algorithm and know how to get back on top again. Maybe there was something that you were not doing right that you need to improve.

2. Declining Audience Interest.

There is nothing as hard as keeping people entertained. It is not easy. Its not easy to always make content that entices people all the time. You might still be making the same content that you normally do but the peoples interests changes.

Similarly, seasonal content get fluctuations in viewer interests. For example, summer content might not be doing so well during winter.

3. Decreased Click-Through Rate (CTR).

If your videos stop getting as many clicks as they used to before, it can lead to reduced views. CTR refers to the number of clicks as compared to number of impressions. The higher the CTR the better for you and thus the more views. On the other hand, the lower the CTR, the lower the views.

This decrease in CTR will make YouTube algorithm assume that your videos are not good enough. Hence it will stop or slow down promoting your videos. You will get less algorithm promotion if your videos have low CTR.

4. Lower Watch Time & Retention.

If your videos used to get long retention and high watch time then it drops, YouTube will reduce your promotion. Similarly, if your videos from the very beginning used to get very low retention and low watch time, then YouTube will not promote them.

Videos with low retention and watch time are assumed to be not good for audience. YouTube assumes that videos with low retention are not interesting to the viewers. Similarly, if your videos have low watch time, YouTube assumes that the videos are not interesting. Hence it will not promote your videos as much. If it was promoting your videos before, it will slow the promotion.

5. Competition from Other Creators.

Imagine if before you were the only YouTuber making videos about say cats. Then now there are ten more YouTubers making videos about cats. You will definitely get lower views than you used to before. Before, it was only you making those videos but now there are others. Competition has increased. Instead of getting all the views like you used to before, you are sharing those views with other YouTubers.

6. Video Aging.

If you do not make new videos regularly, then your channel will suffer from aging content. Most people on YouTube want new fresh content. They want to watch new fresh content. Especially for fleeting topics like news, people always want the latest content. Hence if you do not make newer videos, you will get less views. If your channel depends on videos that you posted a long time ago, then you will have views drop.

7. Subscriptions & Notifications.

If your subscribers drop, your views will drop too. If you have done something that has made your subscribers unsubscribe from your channel, then you will have views drop.

In addition to that, for your subscribers to get notifications when you post, they have to click the bell icon. If your subscribers don’t do that, then you will definitely get views drop. Additionally, if the subscribers remove the notification, they will not know when you post hence you get less views.

8. YouTube Policy & Monetization Issues.

If YouTube flags or penalizes your video, then you will definitely get a view drop. Similarly, if YouTube penalizes or punishes your channel, you will get a view drop. This is because once penalized, YouTube algorithm will not promote your videos as much. Avoid YouTube penalties as much as possible. Do not do things that make YouTube want to penalize you.

In addition to that, if your channel is demonetized for whatever reason, then you will get less views. The reason for that is because YouTube will promote the video less if it has monetization issues.

9. External Traffic Decline.

If you used to get external traffic to your videos, then it stops, you will have views drop. Say for example you used to have 10,000 views from external traffic and it stops, then you have views drop. If you stop sending or getting this external traffic, then you will definitely have a views drop.

10. Bot or Fake Views Removal.

If you buy fake views, YouTube might remove them. Additionally, if you get views from BOTs, YouTube might remove them. YouTube is very serious on the quality of their platform. Therefore, if you have fake views, YouTube will remove them.


Now you know why you might get views drop on your YouTube channel.