Are you thinking of buying YouTube comments? Are you wondering Is Buying YouTube Comments Right for You? Then worry no more because you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss at length and in details this issue.We will dive deep into whether you should buy YouTube comments or not. After all you need to know what you are getting into before you get in right?
Why do metrics like YouTube comments count matter?
Am sure that by now you can already tell that YouTube comments are important. But the big question is why are the comments important? Why would someone even go to a length of buying them or paying for them? Why would one pay someone else to watch their video and comment?
Well there are many reasons why one would pay for comments. However, we are going to mention a few.
YouTube comments are an indicator to YouTube algorithm that your video is good. Good in the sense that your video is interesting enough to your audience that they comment on it.
The comments are also a way of creating a community around your channel. The presence of comments on your videos makes people feel homely around your videos.
The comments you buy can make other people also comment on your video. You know some might reply to the already existing comments. This will lead to more comments on your video.
A video with no comments doesn’t feel normal to the viewer. By now anyone who is familiar with YouTube knows that every video that has some views also has comments. Therefore, if your video has thousands or millions of views without comments, it will feel wrong. It will feel as if something is not normal.

Do YouTube comments affect YouTube algorithm ranking of your video?
The simple answer is yes. Yes YouTube comments affects your algorithmic rankings. This is because of how YouTube algorithm works. The algorithm is made to assume that videos that get a lot of comments are as good. It assumes that for the video to get those many comments, its very interesting to the people. It is so interesting that it invokes response to from the viewers.
Therefore, if your video gets a lot of comments, it will definitely rank higher. Yes if the algorithm has 2 videos to choose from, one has a lot of comments and the other one has no comments, then the algorithm will rank the one with more comments.
What is The Power of Comments in Building Engagement?
Yes the comments have a power when it comes to building engagement. Below are a few of the effects of comments when it comes to building engagement.
- Community Building. Yes if you want to build a community around your YouTube channel, you have to have comments. How do you make people have a personal relationship with your channel if they do not comment or read comments? Commenting is a way of sharing how they feel about your video.
- Increased Visibility. Like we have mentioned above, YouTube comments is an indication to YouTube algorithms that your video is great. It is also an indication that your video is getting a lot of engagement. Therefore, the algorithm will recommend your video farther hence you end up getting more views.
- Feedback Mechanism. YouTube comments is a perfect way of getting feedback. When people comment on your videos, they tell you what they feel about your video. Sometimes these comments can help you improve your videos.
Why do people buy YouTube comments?
Boosted Engagement Metrics in Record Time. Instead of having to wait for days months or years to get a few comments, you can just buy them. Instead of waiting all those days and years you can save time and speed up the process by buying.
Higher Rankings on the Algorithm’s Ladder. We have talked in detail about this point above. Yes more comments on your video will make YouTube algorithm promote your video farther. It is like a trigger for your video to succeed on YouTube.
Creating a Perception of Popularity that will lead to more subscribers and audience. Human psychology is very easy to play with. The human perception can be very easily manipulated. When your video has so many comments and people talking about it, then they too will join in. This leads to more audience and subscribers.
Elevated Social Proof. In the modern day whereby we have influencers and social media celebrities, something like many comments can mean a lot.
Breaking away Slow Organic Growth. If there is one thing that YouTube is known for is slow growth. From the moment you start the channel to the moment it grows and become big its a tough journey. YouTube is not designed for the new creators. It favors bigger well established channels over new young channels. Hence by buying the comments, you can easily speed up the growth.
Mitigating Negative Feedback. When you buy comments you of-course get good positive comments. You do not pay to have people insult you on your video. With these positive comments that you buy, you can outnumber and overpower the negative ones.

The Potential Risks of buying YouTube comments.
Buying YouTube comments is not completely risk free. Especially if you buy fake comments or bad ones, you can be in trouble. Some of the risks of buying the comments include:
- You could get in trouble with YouTube algorithm. If you buy fake comments it can lead to YouTube algorithm penalizing you.
- Eroding Trust Amongst Genuine Viewers. Some of your viewers who believe in you, might loose their trust in your channel if they determine you are buying fake comments.
- Many bought comments are of low quality. Unlike the genuine comments on YouTube, with bought comments, you can end up with a lot of fake comments. You know meaningless statements that are not relevant to your channel/video.
- The Shadow of Negative SEO. When YouTube determines that you are using fake services to promote your videos, it can go slow on your videos. It can mess with your SEO.
- Unproportionate metrics. If you only focus on just buying comments and not other things like comments and views, then it will be bad. How can your video have thousands of comments and a few views or likes?
Now that you know all that, Is Buying YouTube Comments Right for You? That is your decision to make. All the best in your YouTube career!!