Are you a YouTuber? Have you been struggling with growing your channel? Then am sure that by now you must have considered buying YouTube views. The reason for this is because it is very hard to get views on YouTube. This is especially if your channel is new. However, if you are famous or you have another channel that you can drive traffic from. For the rest who are not famous, let us show you some of the reasons why you should consider buying YouTube views.
Reason #1. Boost Social Proof & Credibility.
Lets be honest, when we see a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers and views, we are impressed. That channel impresses us. We assume that it is really good and it is making some really good content. This might make us want to watch more of the channel’s content. The vice versa is true. When we see a YouTube channel with a few views and subscribers, the reverse happens. We are not impressed. We do not quite desire to watch more. Hence you should buy YouTube views to increase your social proof and credibility to your audience.
Reason #2. Increase Organic Reach.
When you buy the YouTube views, your video will be seen by very many people. People from allover the world. People who would usually never see your content. Thus you reach new people. These people might even come back for more content if they like it. Therefore, even if you choose to buy the views, you still have to make excellent content. Good content is key. Even the people who are watching your videos for a pay, they still have to like your content.
Reason #3. Encourage More Engagement.
The people watching the videos can comment on them. YouTube comments with a lot of views can spark engagement. People are more likely to comment and even like the videos if the video has a lot of views. However, quality of the video is key. A really entertaining and thought invoking video can cause people to comment. Just views alone are not enough to start engagement. Focus more on good YouTube content.
Reason #4. Kicks-tart a New Channel.
The people that are most likely to buy YouTube views are those with a new channel. Everyone who has ever started a YouTube channel will tell you that it is not easy. Especially during the first days, weeks and months, things are very rough. It is very hard to get views and subscribers. So many new YouTubers struggle to get their new channels moving. Hence why most of the new YouTubers buy the YouTube views. When you buy the views, it can kick-start your channel and get you going. There is nothing as frustrating as making a video today and then a week later it still has 2 views.
Reason #5. Attract Sponsorships & Brand Deals.
Advertisers will never go to advertise on a channel that has only 50 subscribers. They want big channels with thousands or even millions of subscribers. In addition to the subscribers, they also want channels that have thousands or millions of views. The aim of the advertisers/brands is to reach as many people as possible. They want to make as many people as possible to hear and see their product or brand. Hence why you need a lot of views. You need to have a channel that is really attractive to the brands. Hence buy the YouTube views and become viable.
Reason #6. Stay Competitive over others.
One of the reasons that YouTubers buy YouTube views is to maintain a competitive edge against others. Maybe in your niche, there is a lot of competition and the biggest channel wins. If others have more views than you, then they win. Thus you have to be at your best at all time. You have to be ahead of all of them at all time. Hence why you might need to buy the YouTube views to give your channel that upper hand. A good example is the reason 5 that we have discussed above. If you want the advertisers to come to your channel, then you will need to have the most views.
Reason #7. Strengthen SEO Rankings.
YouTube seo can be influenced by the views your videos get. The YouTube algorithm can consider your videos to be more useful to the people depending on your views. If people watch your videos more and also watch the videos longer, it can assume they are actually good. You know, why are the people spending too much time on your videos? Why are the people spending too much time on your channel? Your content must be really good. Hence YouTube will start promoting it far and beyond to more people.
Reason #8. Increase Watch Time & Monetization Potential.
Watchtime has become very important on YouTube these days. Watchtime is the amount of time that people spend watching your videos. These days if you want YouTube to monetize your channel, you have to get 4000 watchtime hours for the past 12 months. Believe me, that is not easy. It is not easy to get these many thousands of hours of people watching your videos. Hence why so many YouTubers buy the views these days. Of-course you know that the views come with watchtime hours. The more the views the more the watchtime hours. When you get the required 4000 hours, then you can apply for the monetization.
Reason #9. Make more money from the ad revenue.
If your channel is already monetized, then you can make more money with more bought views. You can buy more views and when the people watch the videos with ads, you earn more. Hence you can make more money by just buying these views. However, you need to note that YouTube is very sensitive when it comes to ads. If you mess with the YouTube ads they can very easily and quickly suspend your channel. Especially if the views you are buying are fake and you are playing ads along them, that’s a death sentence for your channel. The point is if you choose to buy views for a monetized video, make sure that they are real and genuine views.
Reason #10. Make money with your channel.
Like you can see on this article, there are so many ways to make money with YouTube. So many people these days make a lot of money with YouTube. And the integral part of that is YouTube views. Of all the ways of making money that you will see on that article, YouTube views are key. Simply, you cannot make money with YouTube without views. The views are the engine that drives YouTube. To promote your affiliate marketing, you need views. To promote your dropshipping, you need views. Similarly, to make money with your membership or super features, you need views. This is the same case for all other ways of making money with YouTube. Hence why you need to buy YouTube views for your channel.
We have shown you 10 reasons Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Views. We believe this is convincing enough to show you why many other YouTubers do it. Do not be the only one left behind struggling while others succeed. You too try an easier and quicker way of success. Just remember that it will cost you money. All the best in your YouTube journey!