Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments for Engagement
Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments for Engagement

Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments for Engagement

Introduction: What is engagement on YouTube?

Engagement on YouTube is everything. If you have a YouTube channel that never gets any engagement then you know the damages of that. Am sure i do not need to tell you about the importance of engagement. However, for those who are new to YouTube or are not familiar with this, let me inform you about why engagement matters on YouTube.

When we talk about engagement on YouTube, we are talking about people’s interaction with your YouTube channel. We are talking about comments, likes and other actions people take on YouTube concerning your videos and channel. When people watch your video and comments on it, that counts as an engagement. When people watch your video and likes it, that too is called engagement. The more you have the better for you.

Why Engagement Matters on YouTube?

Now that you understand what engagement is, its time you understand why it is very important. According to the way YouTube algorithms are designed, they are designed to value engagement. They are designed to consider engagement as a very powerful indicator of the value of the video to the viewer. When people watch the video and like it or comment, the algorithms are designed to consider that as a positive indicator. An indicator that the viewer found the video very useful and thats why he/she liked or commented on it.

With that in mind, now you understand why it is very important to get the comments and likes. The more of them you get, the more the algorithms promote your video. This keeps your video getting more and more of YouTube views. This is one of the very reasons Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments for Engagement.

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments for Engagement.

Now lets talk about why you should consider buying YouTube comments for engagement.

1. Boosts Algorithmic Ranking.

Like we have explained above YouTube comments have a very big impact on YouTube algorithms. The comments indicate that the video is interesting to the viewers. Hence the algorithms will promote this video to more people. It will push this video even to more people allover YouTube. Thus, the YouTube comments leads to your video rising in ranking.

If you choose to buy the YouTube comments, you need to make sure that they are of high quality. They need to be relevant to your video so that they can work. If you get those short two word comments like “nice video” it wont work.

2. Increases Social Proof.

When people see your video has a very large number of comments, it messes with their psychology. They assume that this video must be so good that its creating this much conversation. An empty video with no likes nor comments does not impress anyone. However, a video full of comments and likes will create an impression to the viewers.

3. Initiates Conversations and Debates.

The many comments that already exist will create more conversations. The new people will want to chime in into the already ongoing conversation. Some of the already existing conversations will be very tempting for the new audience to also comment.

4. Enhances Content Discoverability Through Keywords.

When the people commenting on your video keep mentioning certain words, YouTube algorithms can pick up on that. The algorithms can pick up on the words being mentioned and rank your video for those keywords. This turns out to promote your video and in turn your channel. Hence why many YouTubers these days have resulted in buying YouTube comments for engagement.

5. Mitigates Negative or Spam Comments.

We all know about the haters right? Yes you know sometimes the haters can swam on your channel and spill a lot of hatred on your videos. If the haters do that, they will make your videos look bad. By buying the YouTube comments, you can get positive comments that overcome the already existing negative comments. Hence it doesn’t look as bad as before.

6. Encourages Organic Comments.

As we have mentioned in point 3 above, having comments on your video or channel, can cause other people to comment. This creates like a chain reaction that ends up bringing more comments. The comments can also initiate conversations that can keep going for a long time and among very many people. This creates a lot of tracking for your video.

7. Drives Viewer Retention and Subscriber Growth.

Unlike those viewers who just watch and leave, the commenters take longer on the video. The commenters spend more time and interact more with the video. Actually they could even end up subscribing to your channel. It shows that your channel is alive hence attracting more people.

What are the Risks involved with Buying YouTube comments?

Is it all safe sailing when it comes to buying YouTube comments? No. Its not all safe when it comes to buying YouTube comments. There are risks involved especially if you buy the comments from the wrong sources. Some of the risks involved with buying YouTube comments include:

  1. Generic comments. You know those comments that have no relevance to your video.
  2. Bot generated comments. These are the comments that are made by some computer programs. These can really hurt your channel.
  3. Risk of Irrelevance. You do not want comments that are just gibberish from people who have not watched your video.
  4. Waste of money. You do not want to waste your money on useless comments or fake ones.
  5. Potential YouTube penalty. If you mess around especially with fake YouTube comments sellers you could get your channel penalized.


So what do we get from all this? The whole point is if you want a quick growth of your YouTube channel, then you might consider buying YouTube comments. For this, we have shown you Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments for Engagement.

We have also shown you the risks involved with buying the YouTube comments so that you can be able to make the right decision. Therefore we want you to make a very well informed decision. We do not want you to jump into such a decision without knowing the both sides.s

Hence make your decision wisely.