Can Buying YouTube comments and Likes Make Your Video Trend?
Can Buying YouTube comments and Likes Make Your Video Trend?

Can Buying YouTube comments and Likes Make Your Video Trend?

Can Buying YouTube Comments and Likes Make Your Video Trend?

One of the biggest questions we get from our customers is Can Buying YouTube comments and Likes Make Your Video Trend? The answer is yes. Yes buying YouTube comments and likes can make your video trend. This is because you are buying engagement for your video. Social media algorithms are made to value videos with high engagement. The algorithms are made to assume that if your video gets more comments and likes they are better. The understanding is that if the people like and comment on these videos, then they must be really interesting to the people.

What Does It Mean for a YouTube Video to “Trend”?

When we say that a video is trending, we mean that the video is being watched by so many people at the same time. This means that the video is getting a lot of views and so many people are engaged with your video at the same time. In most cases, the video is appearing on the trending tab of YouTube. Yes YouTube has a tab on the platform where it shows trending videos. Mostly these are music videos. Music videos are the ones that dominate the trends.

Why is it very important for your video to trend?

Trending videos have a lot of benefits for the video owner. A trending video gets a lot of views. So many views than you would normally get. For example, if your videos normally get 100,000 views, a trending video can even hit a million views. That is more than 10 times the usual view count. Such a boost can really boost your channel.

It can even come in with a lot of subscribers. You know many YouTube views come with subscribers. This is because the people watching your video are the same ones who subscribe. The trending video can even double your subscribers in a few hours. Just imagine that. It might have taken you years to get 5 thousands subscribers. Then in just one day get 10,000 subscribers just from one trending video. Its like growth on steroids.

artistic impression of mrbeast
artistic impression of mrbeast

What videos are more likely to trend on YouTube?

Its not every video trends on YouTube or can trend on YouTube. There are certain videos that are more likely to trend than others. Hence why we will talk about a few of such videos below.

  1. A famous person videos are more likely to trend. Think of a celebrity. Think of a musician or music artist. Or a famous content creator. Such a persons videos are more likely to trend than a little unknown person. This is because the person already has a base. He/she already has a very vast fan base that is ready to watch their videos at any time.
  2. Dramatic content is more likely to trend. Am sure that by now you must have seen some videos trending because they have a lot of drama. Humankind loves drama. Hence content that is dramatic is more appealing. I mean eyebrow raising content such as maybe some fight, or some celebrity beef etc. We do not encourage doing dangerous things just for the same of trending.
  3. Music from famous musician is more likely to trend. If you go to the YouTube trending tab, majority of the trending videos are songs. Yes songs are very likely to trend over other content. Many people are more likely to play and replay a song than other content. Some people even play music in loops.
  4. Promoted videos are more likely to trend. There are YouTube channels that buy ads for their videos. When you buy ads, you bring the video before so many people. Such a thing can spark more recommendations by YouTube algorithm that can lead to trending.
  5. Videos from famous channels like MrBeast are more likely to trend. Videos from very famous channels like mrbeast are more likely to trend than other channels. You do not expect some unknown channel to produce a trending video over famous channels.
  6. Videos about currently trending affairs are also likely to trend on YouTube. Say there is something trending in the country, like a government decision or a leader like president. Say something is trending internationally like the corona virus. Such affairs are also very likely to trend on YouTube. If you make a video talking about such things, then your video will trend.

How YouTube Picks Trending Videos.

Its not just any video that trends or can trend. There are special characteristics about videos that trend. So what are these characteristics?

  1. View count. YouTube algorithms don’t just pick any video for trending status. The view count is a major impact. A video with many views is more likely to trend than a little unknown video that has no views.
  2. The speed of getting views. In addition to many views, the rate of getting those views also matters. The more views your video gets in a given amount of time, also determines if your video can trend. The faster your video gets views the more likely will your video trend.
  3. More user engagement. The more engagement your video has, the more likely your video is to trend. This is because YouTube algorithm assumes that your video is really appealing to the people. It assumes that its good to promote that video to more people.
  4. Video Freshness. Newer videos are more likely to trend than older videos. Thus if you are aiming at trending, then make new videos and remember to include all the things we talk about in this article.
  5. Viewer watchtime. Videos that people spend more time on are more likely to get views than the videos that do not. This is because if people are spending more time on your video, it means that they really love it. Hence YouTube algorithm will consider the video to be really good.
  6. Viewer history. One thing about YouTube, is that it personalizes the YouTube experience of each viewer. Thus, what might be trending on your YouTube feed might not be trending on my feed. Therefore, YouTube will consider what videos one likes and then pick a trending video from that category.

What are the things you can do to get your video to trend?

  1. Buy the YouTube engagement. Like we mention in the title of this article, buying YouTube engagement can make your video trend.
  2. Make great content. Even if you have ticked all other check-boxes, if your video content is not good you will not trend. Hence make great content to trend on YouTube.
  3. Make and publish new videos. We have explained why is this above.
  4. Encourage engagement and interaction of your audience in your video. Like we have mentioned above, engagement is a factor that leads to trending.
  5. Let your videos and audio be of high quality.
  6. Promote your videos. We explained earlier that promoting your videos can make them trend.
  7. Jump onto trending topic. Make videos about current trending affairs and hope that YouTube will pick up on your video.

Conclusion: Buying YouTube comments and Likes Make Your Video Trend.

Yes. If there is anything that we learn in this article is that more views, lead to more chances of trending. In addition to that, many quick YouTube views, likes and comments can make your video trend. Moreover, having many people watching your video will also make your video trend. To top all that up, getting a lot of viewer watchtime on your video, will also make your video trend. And how do you get those many views, likes, comments and watchtime? By buying them. Thus go ahead and buy your YouTube comments and likes to get your video trending.