Why Do People Buy YouTube Comments? 10 Reasons
Why Do People Buy YouTube Comments? 10 Reasons

Why Do People Buy YouTube Comments? 10 Reasons

What are YouTube Comments?

Have you ever watched a video on YouTube and wondered what other viewers thought about the video? Did you want to see how engaged viewers were with the video? You should have checked the comments! These are short texts that viewers leave below the video. Think of them as a public chat room where everyone can discuss the video. Today we discuss 10 reasons why people buy YouTube comments.

YouTube shows comments sections below videos. Typing a text into a comments section is to comment. Users can reply on each other’s comments. They can also remove their own comments by deleting them. What’s more? YouTube comments are usually public. Comments on a video are usually visible to any other user. Also, the video creator can comment on the comment section. He can also reply on the viewers’ comments. The creator has special privileges. He has control over the comment section. He can remove comments he finds not good, or simply those he doesn’t want on their channel.

Visit YouTube Help to learn more about comments.

Are YouTube Comments important?

Comments on YouTube are basically important for a video for many reasons. They allow viewers to express their opinions, emotions, questions, and feedback on a certain video. Comments can be liked or disliked. Users like comments to show that they find them interesting, funny, or informative. Otherwise, they will dislike any insightful or inappropriate comments. With all these, YouTube comments become an engagement feature on a video on YouTube. Engagement due to comments can be valued on the basis of “quantity” and “quality”.

Have a high number of comments on a video is a show of high interactions on the video. Moreover, quality engagement is shown by the relevance of the content of the comments, and likes on the comments. YouTube discussions on the topic that is in the video above the comments show quality engagements.

What are engagements useful for? The amount of engagements is important for YouTube algorithm. A channel with a high engagement gets more visibility. Its videos rank high in the search results. They appear more times in suggestions. It leads to greater channel growth in the long-run. This means a fatter paycheck from YouTube.

What  “Buy YouTube Comments” really mean.
What  “Buy YouTube Comments” really mean.

What  “Buy YouTube Comments” really mean.

Comments engagements are a key feature of channel growth. It is therefore desirable to have a high numbers of quality comments on your channel.

How do you get more comments on your channel? This is challenging to do. It takes time for a new channel to attract enough viewers who leave meaningful comments on its videos. In this situation, the best solution is to jump in the wagon of “Buying YouTube Comments”.

Buying YouTube Comments raises legal issues. YouTube prohibits use of methods that are likely to add comments artificially. This means that you should buy YouTube comments from legitimate providers such as Media Geneous. MediaGeneous ensures that comments added to your videos are genuinely from real people, and not bots.

10 Reasons Why People Buy YouTube Comments.

YouTube content creators buy YouTube comments mainly to boost growth of their channel. What are the individual reasons for buying YouTube comments? Let’s see here:

1. Boost Engagement.

Engagements tell how much people are interacting with a video. Comments are one of the way of interacting on the video. Appearance of more comments on a video means more healthy conversations. This attracts more people to join the conversations.

Having more conversations is desirable because it causes even more conversations to happen. This is one reason why YouTube creators usually buy YouTube comments for their channels. Read how to improve your YouTube rating from Sprout Social.

2. Improve Video Ranking.

Comments with keywords relevant to the video improves video visibility. People looking for videos will often see your videos at the top of the search results. This will result in more people viewing and engaging with your content.

This is another reason that motivates YouTube creators often buy comments.

3. Increase Credibility.

A high volume of quality comments on your channel videos is an indicator of healthy interactions. More people will view your content after seeing the large number of comments. This builds channel credibility. This is because new viewers tend to believe that presence of more comments is a proof that your content is reliable.

Buying more YouTube comments is the easiest way to create that proof that your content is reliable.

4. Enhance Social Proof.

A high volume of quality comments on your channel videos is an indicator of healthy interactions. As more users get interested to view your content, they also leave comments. Presence of sufficient number of comments show that your content is valuable and interesting. This is what social is all about.

People often buy YouTube videos to create a sense of social proof on their channels.

5. Attract More Views.

Comments create interest on the videos to users who read them. People get interested when they read healthy discussions on the comments section of a video. This usually make new users to view your videos to enjoy the experience first hand.

This is a strong reason that motivates content creators to buy YouTube videos.

6. Initiate Discussions.

Comments existing already on any video are an indication of interactions. People often become more interested to comments on videos that have already ongoing discussions.

Buying YouTube comments on new videos can help initiate discussions on the videos. People who buy comments are likely to have this as one of the reason they buy comments.

7. Elevate Brand Image.

The value of a brand on YouTube is not determined by only high amounts of engagements. Quality of the engagement also matter a lot. Great brands often build loyal followers who comment allover its videos.

People buy YouTube comments to make their channels look more successful than they are. This helps make their brands look more great.

8. Beat Algorithm Metrics.

YouTube algorithm considers the number and quality of comments to determine the level of engagement. Engagement is an important metric.

People often buy more comments to make the algorithm see great engagement on their channels.

9. Facilitate Audience Insights.

Content creators can interact with the viewers in the comment sections of the videos. This gives them opportunities to get valuable feedback from the viewers. They can tell what their viewers dislike about their content. This kind of feedback is important. It can help in refining content strategies, and improving the quality of the content itself.

Video creators buy YouTube Comments for a channel to get insights and feedback.

10. Encourage User-Inspired Content.

Users often go to the comment section to express their opinions, emotions and feedback. Users can sometimes start interesting discussions on a video. They may suggest future content that you can provide then with. Providing such user-inspired content can make your channel grow exponentially.

Legitimate sellers of YouTube like MediaGeneous use real people to create engagements. These people are real human viewers. Their comments are equal to comments from people who accidentally discover your channel. Their opinions and suggestions can inspire creators to upload content they want. This will also serve the interests of the users who come by themselves to your channel.

People may often buy comments to find inspiration for the kind of content viewers expect.


People buy YouTube comments for different reasons. This article has highlighted the main reasons why creators prefer to buy YouTube Comments. Some do it to make their videos look more valuable and liked. Others do it to make their content look more popular.

Most of the reasons for buying YouTube comments are influenced by the role of YouTube Comments. YouTube comments build a community around the videos of a channel. More importantly, they help determine how much people are engaging with content in the channels. This makes them important in determining income from monetization. Now you know the 10 reasons why people buy YouTube comments.