Why You Should Buy YouTube Comments
Why You Should Buy YouTube Comments

Why You Should Buy YouTube Comments

YouTube Comments: What are they?

YouTube comments are a key indicator of how much engagement a video has received. Comments are text posted by YouTube users in the text section of a video. The ability to comment on a YouTube video establishes a social forum around that video. In this post we are going to discuss why you should consider buying YouTube comments for engagement.

Are YouTube comments important to viewers? YouTube comments feature allows viewers to interact with one another and with the video creator. They allow for active discussions about a certain video’s topic or content.

Characteristics/Features of YouTube comments.

YouTube comments are an essential social engagement feature in video content. They foster interaction and community building. Their role is uniquely defined by the following key characteristics:

  • Are a Platform for Expression. Comments allow viewers to voice their opinions, emotions, questions, and feedback regarding a specific video. This creates a dialogue between the audience, and between the creator and the audience.
  • Allow Nested comments. YouTube allows users to reply to comments. This results in threaded discussions, which encourage engaging conversations among viewers.
  • Have controllable Visibility. Comments are typically public by default. However, channel owners can hold comments for review before they are displayed on their videos. This allows for content moderation.
  • Can be Liked/Disliked. Users can show their appreciation or disagreement with comments by liking or disliking them, respectively. Likes help reveal insightful, humorous, or informative comments. On the other hand, dislikes can flag inappropriate or unhelpful remarks.
  • Appear Ranked. Comments are ranked based on the number of likes they receive. The most popular ones appear at the top of the thread. This enhances visibility and engagement.
  • Allow Moderation. Discussions can sometimes veer off-topic and become spammy, or turn toxic. YouTube allows video creators to moderate comments. Creators can prevent inappropriate comments or even delete the comments altogether. This is often done to maintain a constructive and respectful environment.
  • Allow Creator-Audience Interaction. Creators often use the comments section to interact with their audience. They answer questions, address concerns, and ask for feedback on their content. This fosters a stronger connection with the viewers.
 Why You Should Buy YouTube Comments
Why You Should Buy YouTube Comments

Importance of YouTube Comments to Video SEO: Numbers and Quality are what matters.

YouTube uses a list of various metrics to determine the visibility and priority of your video. The level of engagement that videos on your channel receive is one of the main metrics. Engagement as a metric, is contributed by comments, among other features, such as views, likes and watch time hours.

A consistently high number of comments on videos on a channel tells YouTube that your content is important. However, it is not important to have a high number of comments, if the comments are not relevant. YouTube checks the quality of comments on your videos too.

What makes quality YouTube comments? The relevance of the content of the comments indicates quality. Comments containing various positive keywords about the subject of the videos are high-quality comments. Keywords in the comments have some direct influence on the SEO ranking of YouTube channels.

Moreover, sentiment analysis on the comments can indicate to YouTube algorithms how users take your content. Therefore, high quality comments will show that users enjoyed your content. They will also show that your content is informative and appropriate. This will influence YouTube to assign your content a higher SEO ranking.

The effect of this is obviously desirable to you, as a YouTube content creator. You want YouTube to show your content to users, at the top of the search results. You want YouTube to suggest your videos to more people in video recommendations. Most importantly, you want to maximize the revenue you earn from YouTube.

Check out Digital Marketing Institute to learn importance of effective SEO strategies.

The Roles of YouTube Comments: Why buying Comments will increase your Engagements.

As pointed out above, the number and quality of comments on videos on a YouTube channel are quite important. They show the amount and quality of engagement on your content. Suppose you are just starting out on YouTube. Or, suppose your channel has not received any appreciable growth for a long since you opened. Do you now wonder how you would benefit from comments to improve your channel’s growth?

Experience in YouTube space shows that achieving channel growth through comments is quite challenging. Luckily, there is good news. MediaGeneous sells reliable services to add high quality YouTube Comments engagements to your channel. This is the most legitimate and verified player you should choose to place valuable comments on your videos. Visit the page today to find various affordable packages tailored to your pocket for promoting your videos.

This article has suggested that “Buying YouTube Comments” is a legitimate trick for quality YouTube comments. However, note that “Buying” in this context means paying a small fee to get your video promoted. Real people will view and leave quality comments on your videos.

Buying legitimate YouTube Comments has more benefits than other methods. It guarantees that the growth of your channel happens appreciably fast. The significance of increased, high-quality YouTube Comments, cannot be underestimated. Let’s delve deeper into the crucial benefits of YouTube Comments to gain a better understanding. These are some of the reasons that should compel you to buy YouTube Comments from a legitimate seller.

Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments.
Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments.

Reasons Why You Should Consider Buying YouTube Comments.

YouTube Comments promote interaction and community building.

Comments will allow users to share their thoughts, reactions, and opinions about your videos. This will foster a sense of community around your channel.

Comments appear in active comment sections. These sections create a space for discussions and connections among the audience and between them and the creator.

Your aim as a YouTube channel owner should be to have high comment engagement on all your video content. Getting many quality comments on your videos within a short period of time, triggers YouTube algorithms. It makes the algorithm think that your content is impressive and relevant. This will be a positive contributor to your video SEO. This is the perfect scenario where buying YouTube Comments excels. Other methods alone will not match the possible growth that buying will bring to your channel.

YouTube Comments provide a way of obtaining feedback and insights.

As creators interact with their audience in the comments sections of the videos, they get valuable feedback. They are able to find out what their audience dislikes about their content. This feedback becomes helpful in refining content strategies, and improving the quality of the content itself.

Buying YouTube Comments for your will help you get sufficient feedback and insights. This is because the commenters are disciplined, real humans, who will write honest comments on your videos.

YouTube Comments are contributor to engagement metrics.

YouTube Comments, along with likes, views, shares, and watch time, are important indicators of engagement with videos. Engagement is an important metric that YouTube’s algorithm uses to determine video ranking. It also uses engagement to determine recommendations.

Buying YouTube Comments is an efficient way you can improve your engagement metrics. Your channel will gain comments rapidly, which will stimulate YouTube to rank your content highly.

YouTube Comments are a social proof and an indicator of credibility.

A high volume of quality comments on your channel videos is an indicator of healthy interaction. More users are likely to view your content after seeing the large number of comments.

A high volume of quality comments on your channel will be evidence of your channel’s credibility.

Your views, likes, watch hours, and share metrics may be earning you high revenue already. However, for sustained growth and success, the credibility of your content should be maintained. You should have a reasonable amount of quality comments to serve as social proof to future potential viewers. Buying YouTube Comments can save you from this situation.

YouTube Comments promote organic growth and discovery.

Thoughtful and interesting discussions in the comment sections will attract users to view your content. When they get interested, they are likely to not only view videos but also subscribe to your channel. This is how organic growth happens.

Buying high volumes of high quality YouTube Comments can help achieve this kind of organic growth quickly.

YouTube Comments promote Creator-Audience connection that cultivate loyalty.

Creators build strong connections with the audience when they respond to comments. This personal touch increases viewer loyalty. It encourages viewers to engage more actively with the channel’s content. A loyal audience will keep coming to view more content from your channel.

Buying YouTube Comments will help create more loyal viewers for your channel. You will be able to interact with the users reached by the promotional call to comment on your content.


Buying YouTube Comments is a powerful method of enhancing your YouTube engagement strategy. It will boost algorithmic visibility. It will also nurture long-term relationships among the audience as well as between you and the audience.

The key to realizing these benefits, however, lies in choosing a reliable service provider. MediaGeneous will save you from the struggle of looking for legitimate service providers. You are guaranteed to get high-quality and authentic comments. Now you know why you should consider buying YouTube comments for engagement.