Why should you buy YouTube likes? - mediageneous
Why should you buy YouTube likes? - mediageneous

Why should you buy YouTube likes?

Why should you buy YouTube likes?

By now i believe you are not surprised to hear about buying YouTube likes. It is a very common thing. So many you-tubers do it. It is one of the easiest ways to succeed on YouTube. As YouTube keeps getting more and more crowded with content and content creators, it becomes much harder to succeed on YouTube. Therefore an elaborate way to succeed is required. A way to grow your channel fast enough is required. Relying on the natural slow way of growing is almost unpromising these days. This explains why should you buy YouTube likes. Success comes to those who reach for it.

Also read How to tell good views sellers from bad sellers.

Reasons for buying youtube likes. Why should you buy YouTube likes? - mediageneous

Advantages of buying YouTube likes.

We can never talk about the reasons of why should you buy likes without talking about its advantages. It turns out that it has more advantages than you would imagine. Bellow are a few of these advantages.

In addition read get subscribers from real people.

1. Gives you a head-start.

Buying YouTube likes is necessary if you are posting a video for the first time. After you post your video if the video doesn’t garner enough attention in its first days it is almost impossible for it to ever go anywhere. Its a very unfortunate situation that results because of the way YouTube algorithm is made. The algorithm is made to assume that a video that doesn’t acquire many likes, comments and views in its first hours or day of launch is not worth to be a top trending video. I know that feels bad for young starting you-tubers.

Similarly read get likes to make your video go viral.

However that is about to change because from now you can get likes from MediaGeneous and stand a chance of succeeding like the rest. When you buy, it makes YouTube algorithm recognize the presence of your video and start paying it enough attention. YouTube starts promoting your video in the suggested videos and that’s how your video grows.

Also related get views. Where to buy best views.

2. Better search rankings.

Like we have said above, buying likes will make YouTube recognize your video exists. Not only that but it also get its “respect” from YouTube algorithm as a great video. This means that the algorithm recognizes your video as a video that many people would want to see. Therefore it will be shown in the search results. This is like a gold mine for you, Do you know how much traffic comes from search results? There are millions of people searching for videos either on YouTube or on google search. If you can be able to tap into this traffic you can get millions of visitors every day.

Similarly read get comments from the best seller.

3. Improve brand image.

When your video has many likes, it gives people the impression that your video is a good video. People interpret that you make great videos. Now if you have many videos on your channel with tons of likes, it makes people fall in love with your channel. They automatically believe that yours is the channel to subscribe to. So not only does purchasing likes increase you likes count but also get you more subscribers in the long run. When people recognize your channel name and start searching for it online it makes google search and YouTube search love your channel. Your channel sticks at the top of almost all the related searches. There is no saying at this point how far your channel can go.

Similarly read Make money by subscribing to channels.

4. Become an authority of your niche.

Your niche refers to the category of videos that you make. For example you could be making documentaries, you could be making travel vlogs, you could be making products reviews, of funny videos, or movie trailers, etc. There are countless video niche that you can choose to occupy. SO becoming an authority of your niche means that you are the most recognized channel when it comes to those type of videos. Therefore whenever anyone searches anything related to that niche, your channel comes out first in the search results. This is called being an authority of your niche. This is one of the most important things you can have as a channel owner. Its the dream of every you-tuber. When you are the authority, you get the highest percentage of that niche views. All this is possible by purchasing likes.

Also related make money commenting on youtube videos.

5. Is an effective way of marketing your channel.

There are so many ways of marketing your channel and your videos. From google ads to social media ads. However one thing that is common with all these marketing methods is that they are very expensive. Have you checked how much it costs to launch a single google ads campaign or a YouTube ads campaign? The prices of these marketing services can never be compared to the price of likes. You can check the full prices on mediageneous. With almost ten times less for what you would spend on other advertising services, is what you spend on purchasing likes for the same services.

Similarly read make money liking YouTube videos on millionformula.

6. It gives you more social media presence

You-tube videos with more likes tend to be shared across social media more than those with less or without likes. So this does not only give you all the advantages we have mentioned above but also get you a better social media presence. This is the ultimate way of growing your channels. The more shares you get on the social media network the more recognition and authority you get. This reciprocates to more views, more likes , more subscribers and ultimately more money.

Also read make money watching YouTube videos.

7. More YouTube monetization ad revenue.

We all know that every you-tubers intention on YouTube is to make money because of the YouTube monetization. What if we told you that by just buying likes you will be achieving that objective. I know you are wondering how will likes transform into ads money. Well if you have read the full article then you know why. The likes you buy do not only gives you the likes count, they also get you views. They increase your organic views as well as shares and even search traffic. All this combined together results in tons of views that get you the ads views and clicks. Hence the more money ion your account.

8. Brings natural organic growth.

This is perhaps the most important advantage of buying likes. The natural organic growth. The dream of every you-tuber. The natural organic growth doesn’t come easy. It requires years of consistent video uploads. Videos of great quality. Fortunately now with bought likes you can achieve that in a short period of time. We all know that a video with more likes gives people a good perception of your video. People tend to assume that the more likes you have the better your video is and your channel is. This perception makes people subscribe to your channel and keep coming back for more. Therefore buying likes results in natural organic growth.

Are there risks involved?

Yes buying likes can come with risks if you are not careful. The risk happens if you buy fake likes. We have talked in depth about buying likes, the good and bad sellers on this article. All you need to know about buying YouTube likes. Make sure you read it before buying views to avoid falling a victim.

Tip! Combine YouTube likes with views, comments and subscribers.

When you buy likes don’t buy likes alone but also combine with comments, views and subscribers. The aim is to simulate the natural real situation of getting likes like it happens on YouTube. On YouTube you don’t get likes alone with no views. You don’t get comments alone without views. You don’t get subscribers alone without views. Getting only a single service without the other services makes your video numbers look unreal. They look unreal both to people seeing your video as well as YouTube algorithm. Whenever you buy likes should also include views, comments and some subscribers. This makes your numbers look real. It makes the whole process feel natural. Avoid sellers who sell likes that come without comments.

How to make your channel grow with bought likes.

If we told you that buying only likes will make your channel grow to success we would be lying to you. To grow your channel you need to do more than just buying likes. you need to do the following things in combination with bought likes.

1. Make high quality videos.

For the people to love your videos they need to be interesting. They need to be captivating. They need to make the viewers wanna come back for more. Good quality videos is always the best gateway to YouTube success. If you don’t make good videos no matter how much likes you buy you will never succeed. A combination of high quality videos plus bought likes will catapult you to the top easily.

Also read How to tell good views sellers from bad sellers.

2. Optimize your videos for search.

Above we mentioned about the importance of search traffic. There are millions of people searching for almost everything on YouTube and google. Imagine being able to tap into all this search traffic. Imagine being able to make your video appear first on all searches related to your video. You can be getting millions of views on daily basis form search only. To optimize your video for search is pretty easy. Your video tittle needs to be long. Long enough to express the main topic that your video covers.

Your tittle needs to tell the people what your video is all about. Another way to optimize your video is by putting the correct relevant tags in your video tags section during publishing on YouTube editor. Tags tell search engines what kind of search queries they should sow your video. Simply it tells search engine that if this keyword is searched show my video. Therefore your video should be directly relevant to your video. The third way to optimize your video for search is by giving a long relevant description on the description section. The description should mention all the key points of your video. Search engines pay attention to the description. So you should not ignore it, it is so important.

3. Making a captivation video thumbnail.

Video thumbnail is the image that you see on every YouTube video before you start playing it. This thumbnail is one of the most important factors that make people click on your video. The thumbnail should be relevant to your video. It should contain the theme of your video. It should be captivating. The thumbnail should make the people wanna click on your video. It is a good practice to write a few words on the thumbnail that tells the people what the video is all about. However you should not over-write the thumbnail. Writing too much on the thumbnail will not make people want to click on your video.

4. Interact with your audience.

If you have watched a YouTube video before am sure that you have heard the you-tuber say ” remember to like the video” or “remember to give us a thumbs up” or ” remember to subscribe” or ” let us know what you think in the comments below” or ” leave your comments below” or “Please subscribe” or ” please subscribe and share with your friends”. All this is a tactic used to make the viewers like your video, comment, share and subscribe. Well not everyone does this but at least some people will do it. This is a good practice to help your channel grow. You can ask your audience questions to make them talk in the comments.

5. Share across all social media platforms.

Sharing your video across various social media platforms makes your video gets more recognition. It makes you get more views. Sharing makes search engines notice your video and rank it higher. It makes your video bring in more people from allover the social media. Sharing your video also gives you more brand recognition. It makes YouTube algorithm rank your video higher. There are so many advantages of sharing your video that i cant exploit all on this short article. Just know that sharing your video has more advantages than you can imagine.

So should you buy YouTube likes?

Well if you have our article fully then you know the advantages of buying the likes. Yes you should buy likes to boost your video. If you do it right, it has more advantages than you could imagine. Just make sure that you do it the right way.


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